четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

american craftsman door

hey guys did you see the blogs written about anand jadugar.well after reading so much� i decided to go to watch his deadly act the great under water escape.tell you what guys inspite of previously been there in many of the metropolitan cities i havent seen so much of rushit was like a rally of a politician.well the the venue was vizhinjam harbour and it was so crowded
that no body could have put an extra leg.so coming to his stunt.Akash was handcuffed by the MLA, he was then locked by chains and locks. Next Akash sat in bag which was tied and sealed by the Commissioner. This bag was put in a box. The box was then locked and tied with chains and ropes. The
box was then lowered down into water by a crane. The crane boarded a large boat so that box is dropped in a deeper side of sea. Meanwhile many motorboats carrying media personnel were moving around in the water. Within few seconds Akash surfaced out of water. As few minutes passed we saw
Akash swimming across the sea towards a boat. Boat brought him to the jetty.he box was brought from the water which looked like as it was looking before. It was opened. All the locks and chains were intact. Akash was the only thing missing from the box. It was most dangerous stunt performed. It is
said no risk no gain. It was evident from the appreciation Akash received for his guts.

american craftsman door, american craftsman by stanley, american craftsman bungalow for sale, american craftsman.

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