суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

advertising citizen geared senior toward

In regards to this and previous postings I know that my writing is sometimes a bit messy.
I have always held to the thought that if an interesting thought is spoken/written, then that presentation of the idea is more important than the perfectness of its presentation.

Iapos;ll try writing future posts with more editing and measured thoughts because the quote apos;something written without much thought and time is not a pleasure to readapos; is probably very true.

Personally, I love making speeches and I love that i can do it in such a short amount of time. Usually i edit my speech a few times and thatapos;s when it comes out best so i want to see if i receive comments from you, my captive readers, that you enjoy it better when i write more cleanly.

By the way no person or comment prompted this post. I just understand my habits and how i should change this one. Therefore i will aim for breath-taking, heart-wrenching, emotionally gripping or intellectually stimulating writing

I am a man who saw in my mind clearly the different major events of the world that continue to happen and the directions toward which they would lead to. I fretted a lot almost every second day about some new or similar doom which would tear into my beloved world. I read in the news continously about global warming, acidifying oceans, and other issues in science magazines like space travel and they would evoke from me long posts.

One day I began to believe that reality is not as it seemed. Each person has their own truth and their own view of the world. How can anything really be so real and like the way life was explained to be. I studied religion not very much, but the idea that we ended up in heaven and hell never resonated with me. As i posted a long time ago... Is there one vacuum cleaner for good souls, and one vacuum for bad souls, and the soul gets one chance and then is condemned for eternity in one direction or another? That doesnapos;t sound fair, right, or logical. My god is a kind god.

I now believe that life is just an experience and with that new belief i have lost many fears. I started loving life because life is a choice and not an obligation. Life can be about joy if you choose that by focusing on positive things. I even lost my fear of death and emotionally i have grown up many times. Iapos;m living my life day by day more by and everyday life is becoming more of my choosing than a history of past events or my story which was a chosen story. I leap forward and then sometimes slide back but always i move onward and upward.

Goodnight, god bless you, and be well my friend

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bloomingdale stuff

So last night i saw "Saw" the movie.� actually wasnapos;t that bad, 80apos;s boy was right, it really does make you think-the value of life, the worth and risk of it compared to your morality about mortality.� vanity and the ability to act, and the eternal schizophrenic question-if you try to kill yourself is it homicide or suicide?� what about it you torture yourself? youapos;re one sick twisted creation.� favorite lines="hi my name is TERRIBLY F*#ING CONFUSED, how about you?" and "I havenapos;t had this much fun since lubricant"�

I also watched the sequel, but none of the ones after apos; Saw 2apos;

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boone county missouri sherif


from here on, this new and improved Redemption the Moon (well, the hair at least) is now named Daniel Masatoru de Asis III, or Toru for short (and that is my hand XD... And forgive the messy living space).

this is also the day last year that I officially ordered him from Luts. And it is also this day that I officially plunged in to the world of bjds. So, this is also his birthday =D (but, ondoll side, heapos;s actually around 20+ years old)

i had to give up a certain something and had to experience him being shipped back and forth from Korea due to a certain damaged neck=.=;;. But despite that, Iapos;m still happy in this hobby it inspires me =3

please look out for us from now on...

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cheap rascal flatts ticket

First day went... Someplace. The first four hours or so I was like, totally ready to bolt, but then it started to fit a bit better and I decided to give it a shot. I had to remind myself that first days are always terrifying and overwhelming and that in two weeks, Iapos;d totally be in the swing of things. Itapos;s just going to take a while to get over my paralyzing fear of the walkie-talkie blackberry thing. I hate radios. Canapos;t people just use the phone?

Iapos;m getting a bit gypped on my hours though. $15/hr at 37.5 hours a week. Pay is semi-monthly instead of bi-weekly. 1st and 15th of every month. Not sure I like that. Iapos;m making exactly $2.50 a week more than I did working for WestCan. But I have to actually pay for a transit pass, since I canapos;t sneak on transit anymore as a proof of fare is required because I have to take a connecting bus. Which actually puts me $70 a month back. BAH.

Giving it tomorrow and all of next week to settle in, and then Iapos;ll be looking for something evenings/nights/weekends. The exhaustion will, hopefully, be worth the extra paychecks. For a while, anyways.
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

david meikle

Yes there are hours of fun to be had with the slogan generator, but please can we keep it all to the one post There are over 1500 people in this community - just think what it could get like if even a fraction of us all do our own post...Hmmmm

This seems to be the original post so please could people just add to the comments at this post. Other posts (and there have been three of them so far today) are being treated as any other double post - the rules about which you were reminded about just yesterday.

Thank you
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american craftsman door

hey guys did you see the blogs written about anand jadugar.well after reading so much� i decided to go to watch his deadly act the great under water escape.tell you what guys inspite of previously been there in many of the metropolitan cities i havent seen so much of rushit was like a rally of a politician.well the the venue was vizhinjam harbour and it was so crowded
that no body could have put an extra leg.so coming to his stunt.Akash was handcuffed by the MLA, he was then locked by chains and locks. Next Akash sat in bag which was tied and sealed by the Commissioner. This bag was put in a box. The box was then locked and tied with chains and ropes. The
box was then lowered down into water by a crane. The crane boarded a large boat so that box is dropped in a deeper side of sea. Meanwhile many motorboats carrying media personnel were moving around in the water. Within few seconds Akash surfaced out of water. As few minutes passed we saw
Akash swimming across the sea towards a boat. Boat brought him to the jetty.he box was brought from the water which looked like as it was looking before. It was opened. All the locks and chains were intact. Akash was the only thing missing from the box. It was most dangerous stunt performed. It is
said no risk no gain. It was evident from the appreciation Akash received for his guts.

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